Monday, April 28, 2008

Moving, Meds & Mom

Both the move and stimming are behind me. The move went smoothly and was relatively stress free. We unpacked and settled in record time - I guess that is one benefit to moving 7 times in 7 years. I still have some organizing to do in the bathrooms and office and I am looking forward to hanging photos and doing the decorating. I hope to post some pics soon!

Can I just tell you how much I love my new house??? I love it, I love it, I LOVE it!!! It has such a warm and "homey" feeling. The neighborhood is amazing and all of my neighbors have stopped by to introduce themselves. This may not sound like something to be surprised by, but considering the rude people in my old neighborhood, this is a wonderful and welcome change. Oh & how excited am I to be a renter instead of a homeowner?!? Exhibit A: A/C was not working when we tried to turn it on on Saturday so we called our landlords (who are amazing, by the way), they came over, couldn't get it going and called the HVAC guy. HVAC guy comes today - fixes blown circuit board and capacitor and landlord pays the $600 - now that is what I am talking about!!! I love renting!

My mom was down helping us all weekend and she is the best. I miss her so much and wish we lived closer. We had a great weekend - lots of fun & lots of laughs. She truly is one of my best friends. She has so much on her plate right now. I was sad to see her leave last night...

One thing that did not go so smoothly was the install of phone, internet and tv. In fact, I am still without all of the above. They tell me perhaps on Wednesday the tech gods will bless us with their goodness. I can only hope. I came to the office with Sean today just to get my internet fix!

In other news, I triggered last night and ER will be 1st thing in the morning. Can we talk about how disgusting trigger makes you feel? Sore, tired, bloated, achy, upset tummy, full...BLECH!!! I hate it - it is the worst part of IVF for me. I just hope I do not need the boosters this time.

I really have not had anytime to think about my cycle. No time to obsess or over analyze everything. I barely had time to remember to take my meds - in fact we had a near crisis when I realized that we were out of Follistim after Saturday night's shots. Thank goodness I triggered on Sunday and didn't need it anyway - the nurses would have solved the problem for me I'm sure. I'll spare you the details but let's just say it was HIS fault...

I am excited about ER tomorrow, but still a little ambivalent. I started to get a little emotional about it last night, but I think it was everything - the move, mom leaving, & the meds all coming to a head. I am okay though, but I think in my mind I have already assumed it is not going to work this time and that is a complete 180 from where I was this time last cycle.

I am not sure I responded as well as they had hoped I would. I was on 225 of Follistim for 9 nights (up from 75U last cycle) and they are guesstimating 15 eggs. That would be great, but I would be surprised. On Sunday, I had 8 follies between 18-21 and the left side was not really responding too well. Last cycle I had 10 eggs - if we get between 10-15, I will be thrilled. I guess I just thought with such an increase in meds my #'s would be much higher - even my E2 has been lower. I don't know what is was @ trigger because E2 machine was broken yesterday, but it was 787 on Friday and RE made the decision to trigger based on my follies. We shall see. OK - now I am starting to over analyze...I digress.


Maria (MKC101103) said...

Good luck at your ER tomorrow!!

Kristen said...

I hope your ER went beautifully!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!