Thursday, November 13, 2008

Talk Me Down

I just got back from my stim check and my anxiety is sky high. My u/s tech, Hope, (isn't that a perfect name for u/s tech at a fertility clinic?) said things looked great and I would possibly trigger tonight or tomorrow. What??? Trigger tonight? It has only been 6 days of stims! Then, I go have a sit down with some random nurse that I did not particularly care for and she tells me the same thing! I ask about my 16 follies and she says it looks like 8 are ready to go. 8? WTF??? What about the other half? What about the fact that this protocol was supposed to boost me to the 15ish mark. I have a sneaking suspicion that the antagonist protocol is not for me. She did say my bw will be determining factor and she would like to see me go one more day.

You may be wondering why this all has me freaking? Well, I think it is too fast, but the real anxiety factor is that I have my father-in-law, brother-in-law and nephew arriving tomorrow for the entire weekend. They have tickets to the Navy vs. Notre Dame game on Saturday!!! If I trigger tonight, ER will be on Saturday, Dh won't be able to go to the game and the whole weekend will be ruined. Not to mention, we haven't even told family we are doing IVF #3! I was already stressed about their visit and now my anxiety is sky high.

Please, please, please, let me go one more day!!! That would still be soon and a little complicated, but it would be better. So much better.

I know I need to take a deep breath and probably go meditate to the wonderful IVF meditation that
Gretchen raved about during her last cycle. It really is wonderful and you can find it here. I should go do that now and just relax until I get the phone call this afternoon.


LC said...

prayers for you dear!

It will all work out ok.

do you have access to your RE? can you call him and ask him these questions? Sort of by pass the nurse\tech.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

Thinking of you!!

Jill said...

Praying that you can hold out at least one more day!

I understand your dilemma -- my FIL was here for my ER, and we hadn't told anyone that we were doing IVF #2. It was quite uncomfortable...

Lisa said...

Oy, Em, it never works out how we want it - even little things like timing, right?! I hope they decided to hold you another day (I'm catching up on my blogs, so, I'll probably find out as I continue through my google reader) and you get a lovely weekend with family!

Those tracks are great, aren't they? I found them before my 4th IVF (I actually told Gretchen about them, lol!) and used them every single night of that cycle!!