I am 5dp3dt and I am in quite a mood today. I do not know what is wrong with me, but I am short on patience, extremely irritable and so emotional. I am guessing I have the PIO and Estrace to thank.
As far as symptoms go, there are none. With my past 2 cycles, I had to do the HCG booster shots so I was having major side effects, but I feel close to 100% normal this time around.
I have had a few twinges here and there and my boobs are mildly sore, but nothing like when I had the boosters. I do not have much of an appetite at all, but I am thirsty. Trying not to obsess - too much!
I was feeling hopeful and peaceful, but today I am just BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. I need to shake it off...
I think a hot shower is in order, then maybe I will cook a yummy dinner to take my mind off of things.
ooh, I hope your moodiness has a cause! It is smart not to read too much into it, but I know I would... :)
I'm all for a hot shower and a yummy dinner to help my mood too!
Breathe, put some unwinding music and I hope your mood gets better.
Maybe the moodiness is a great sign! Hang in there and hope you are able to unwind this evening.
That sounds like a great way to take your mind off of it. The 2WW sounds like hell. Hang in there.
Hang in there. You're in my thoughts.
I hear ya! I've been in a mood today too. This 2ww is so brutal, waiting and wondering. But actually, as of yesterday I started getting AF cramps. I'm so upset, but trying to hold onto the hope that lots of people swear AF is coming before they get their BFP.
Hope the shower and yummy dinner helps the mood. I'm all about the comfort food these days.
Hang in there! PIO is so brutal and messes with your head. I didn't really have a clue until 7dp5dt, you still have time!! :)
Hot shower and relaxation is just the ticket! I'll keep praying, you go relax :)
Hope you're feeling better since we talked...and wanted to let you know that I figured out what 5dp3dt means, all by myself! I'm getting good at this stuff. (Embarrassingly, it took me longer to figure out "BPN" and "BPF.")
This wait is truly one of the worst!! I have so much hope for you and am sending wishes that every little sign points toward your BFP in the days to come. Many hugs, Emily. Hang in there!!
Hope you are feeling better. Try not to think abt the symptoms... they just make it that much more stressful. Thinking of you.
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